About Us
Cherokee Blossom Quilt Guild is one of the oldest in Tennessee, formed in the spring of 1984. This organizations provides
an atmosphere for sharing with others interested in the art of quilting and to foster the preservation of our quilt heritage.
Membership in CBQG varies in age, background and experience, but all share a passion for the quilt arts. The members are also affiliated with TVQA, the Tennessee Valley Quilter's Association, a statewide alliance of 32 quilds.
Business meetings are held on the 4th Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at the annex of the North Cleveland Baptist Church at 2815 North Ocoee St. in Cleveland, TN. Third Tuesdays are project nights and first and second Tuesdays are "bee" nights when members bring their own projects to work on and to share general information.
Visitors and new members are welcome. The single requirement is a love for quilting and enjoying the company of other quilters.
For more information, you may e-mail [email protected].
an atmosphere for sharing with others interested in the art of quilting and to foster the preservation of our quilt heritage.
Membership in CBQG varies in age, background and experience, but all share a passion for the quilt arts. The members are also affiliated with TVQA, the Tennessee Valley Quilter's Association, a statewide alliance of 32 quilds.
Business meetings are held on the 4th Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at the annex of the North Cleveland Baptist Church at 2815 North Ocoee St. in Cleveland, TN. Third Tuesdays are project nights and first and second Tuesdays are "bee" nights when members bring their own projects to work on and to share general information.
Visitors and new members are welcome. The single requirement is a love for quilting and enjoying the company of other quilters.
For more information, you may e-mail [email protected].